Hannah King

Hannah King


Museum of VR Art


Sorcerous is a high-immersion VR fantasy game for the HTC Vive. It uses voice recognition to allow the player to speak keywords aloud that act as magic spells in-game. This helps the player to be fully immersed in the experience of becoming a sorcerer, exploring a fantasy village, and completing a mini quest. As the capstone project of the Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree, it required the completion of achievements such as animation, speech recognition, 3D modeling, and physics. The player is apprenticed to a sorcerer, who teaches the player a number of spells that, when spoken aloud, create special effects in the virtual world, such as glowing orbs to serve as light sources. The sorcerer also provides instruction on teleporting and interacting with objects and sends the player on a short quest that will test their skills.


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